Cloud Computing: Empowering Businesses in COVID-19 Pandemic

Cloud services act as a boon in the COVID-19 pandemic for the companies for achieving business goals and excellence.
There is no one in the world who does not know about Coronavirus. This virus has shaken the whole world. The only treatment to prevent its spread is social distancing.
But what about work and businesses?
As the positive cases across the globe increase, the remote-working becomes an integral part of working. However, many businesses have to face a lot of trouble while shifting to remote working. But Cloud Computing acts like a backbone that resolves all the work-from-home problems in an efficacious manner.
A good leader in the time of this crisis is the one who adopts cloud computing over time and takes care of his employees in this pandemic. Today, we are going to discuss with you how cloud computing helps your business in this COVID-19 situation.
So, let’s get started!
Cloud Computing – Today’s Need
As we see many companies are facing problems managing their workforce or run their business. On the other hand, the companies that shifted to the cloud model are functioning well.
Deployment of cloud services removes the inconvenience of remote working as you may easily communicate, collaborate in real-time, and work monitoring during this crisis period.
All-in-all, enterprises, SMB, and individuals can manage their work productivity easily with cloud computing. Below we have mentioned some of the services based on cloud computing to manage your business during the coronavirus disaster.
Monitoring of Remote Workforce
It is a tough time and many employees taking advantage of work-from-home. Therefore many companies are investing in monitoring tools to keep the productivity up as well as securing the sensitive data of the organization.
Related: Pros & Cons of Remote Working
It is advised to deploy NetForChoice Employee Monitoring Software in your employees’ system. It gives all the activities of your employees during the business hours and proactively sends alerts or messages to employers if any of the employees violates the policy.
Leverage Remote Workforce With Hosted ERP
There are many traditional applications like Tally which is the most popular accounting software used in every company for accounting operations. However, being a windows based application it becomes impossible to use this application from the home in this COVID-19 situation.
However, many companies take advantage of NetForChoice CRM Hosting, Tally on cloud, Busy on cloud, Marg on cloud services that make it possible to use any of the traditional on-premise software on any device without any location constraint.
Virtual Meeting
Right now, while working-from-home, the need for a virtual meeting or video conferencing is a must-have tool. And this ultimately results in a huge peak in bandwidth consumption where cloud computing saves you. With features like scaling it becomes much easier to handle unexpected spikes in demand.
Besides this, NetForchoice also provides an Online Video conferencing application that gives tremendous control to the admin to carry out a transparent and fruitful conversation.
Empower Comfortable Date Backup & Storage
The mainstream industries such as healthcare where the data works as the crucial asset today, and its data storage and management cost a lot. Ultimately, it leads to additional expenditures on the servers. In such instances, cloud computing helps in trouble-free data storage and data backup because of its scalability feature.
In the End
No one can predict when an emergency occurs. But we should learn from the Covid-19 pandemic and needs to be ready for the future. So if you have not switched to cloud service, it is the right time to act upon it. To need more guidance on cloud services, fill out this form with your requirements.
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